
If you are in middle school or high school, come learn with us this summer. If you are a college student and beyond, check out our summer Kollel in New York City, our vibrant Beit Midrash programming in Israel, and, of course, for year-round study, Yeshivat Drisha.

March 18 - April 15, 2025
On Zoom

Join Dr. Yitz Landes for Mishnah Eduyot every Tuesday! This course is a presentation of the Rifka Rosenwein Z”L Mishnah Division. And join Drisha’s Mishna Yomit community! Working with the most standard daily mishnah study schedule, you will join a group of committed learners who dedicate time each day for the study of 1-2 mishnayot. Over a period of weeks and months of regular study, you will complete Tractates and even entire Orders of Mishnah!

To anchor and support your individual learning,  Drisha’s Mishnah Yomit program includes a weekly Mishnah Yomit b’Iyun (in-depth) shiur. In this shiur, you will have the opportunity to review portions of the past week’s material, and to go deep into select elements of the text (e.g. core concepts discussed; how the mishnayot interpret and interact with the biblical background; the literary structure and reception history of the unit) — all within the context of a collaborative community of fellow learners.

March 17 - April 7, 2025
On Zoom
Please note: No class 3/24.

People make fun of legal loopholing all the time, especially during tax season. But what about halakhic loopholes? In advance of Pesach, we will take a look at the DNA of halakhic loopholing in Talmudic sources – what justifies it and what doesn’t – with an attempt to understand how legal circumvention and legal integrity went hand-in-hand for Chazal. This 3-session course is based on the instructor’s book Circumventing the Law: Rabbinic Perspectives on Loopholes and Legal Integrity, available here for 30% off with coupon code: PENN-ESHAIN30.
March 4 - March 25, 2025
On Zoom

In this four-part series, we will explore the under-studied text of Sefer Daniel. Our first session with discuss the structure, dating, and composition of Daniel, including the scholarly and religious debates about the text’s origins. Our second session will explore the first half of the book of Daniel and discuss narrative patterns in the text and intertextual allusions with other biblical texts. Our third class will consider the second half of the book of Daniel and the question of prophecy’s cessation in the Second Temple period. Our final session will consider Daniel among Second Temple texts that were not included in Tanakh, and will address the question of Daniel’s canonization in Tanakh.

February 18 - March 4, 2025
On Zoom

What does it mean to fight as a Jew? This question has become acute since the beginning of the Iron Swords War. Civilian casualties, the status of international law, hostage negotiations, public diplomacy, and a range of other topics now occupy our water cooler and shabbat table conversations. What does Judaism have to say about these topics? And what might Jewish history teach us about these quandaries? This series will explore fascinating moments from our past to understand how Jews developed military ethics after many centuries of powerlessness. We’ll discuss great thinkers and figures of the past like Rav Kook, Rav Goren, Rav Yisraeli, and others to see how they helped develop a new area of Jewish law.

February 12 - March 26, 2025
On Zoom

Join an interactive, seminar-style investigation into the weekly haftarah, as we inquire into its meaning and liturgical function. How does the haftarah complement, contrast with, or otherwise reframe our understanding of the Torah reading with which it is paired?

February 9 - March 9, 2025
On Zoom

Join Shalhevet Schwartz for Mishnah Shevuot every Sunday! This course is a presentation of the Rifka Rosenwein Z”L Mishnah Division. And join Drisha’s Mishna Yomit community! Working with the most standard daily mishnah study schedule, you will join a group of committed learners who dedicate time each day for the study of 1-2 mishnayot. Over a period of weeks and months of regular study, you will complete Tractates and even entire Orders of Mishnah!

To anchor and support your individual learning,  Drisha’s Mishnah Yomit program includes a weekly Mishnah Yomit b’Iyun (in-depth) shiur. In this shiur, you will have the opportunity to review portions of the past week’s material, and to go deep into select elements of the text (e.g. core concepts discussed; how the mishnayot interpret and interact with the biblical background; the literary structure and reception history of the unit) — all within the context of a collaborative community of fellow learners.