Our programs.

If you are in middle school or high school, come learn with us this summer. If you are a college student and beyond, check out our summer Kollel in New York City, our vibrant Beit Midrash programming in Israel, and, of course, for year-round study, Yeshivat Drisha.

June 24 - July 24, 2025
West Milford, NJ
Drisha’s Summer High School Program brings together girls from across the world to learn Torah in our Beit Midrash. Our program offers five weeks of immersive and intensive textual study centered around classical Talmud study combined with fun camp activities like bonfires, swimming, arts and field trips. Students with extensive Talmud skills are pushed to new heights and beginners grow foundational skills rapidly under the guidance of an expert all-female faculty. 
June 25 - July 16, 2025
West Milford, NJ
Drisha’s Summer Middle School Program for girls allows students the opportunity to engage in serious study of Jewish texts beyond the scope of a middle school classroom. In this intensive three-week program, students work in chavruta and study Talmud and Halakhic texts in their original languages. The program emphasizes hands-on and creative opportunities for learning, mixed in with camp fun and friendships formed for life.
June 23 - July 18, 2025
The Drisha Summer Kollel provides an opportunity for immersive, multi-week Torah learning and cohort building. The Kollel is geared towards undergraduate and graduate students, including rabbinical and cantorial students, and draws participants from across the spectrum of Jewish life. Anchored in daily morning Talmud study, the Kollel includes a wide range of afternoon courses and electives, all centered around themes connected to morning Talmud seder.
Drisha’s Beit Midrash provides the opportunity for serious, open Torah study to individuals from across the spectrum of Israeli life. Its signature program is an intensive, two week summer program of Torah study, prayer, and exploration; in this program, a diverse cohort of young Israelis, ages 22-30, gather together, united by their commitment to honest, rigorous, and meaningful Torah study. Throughout the year, the Drisha Beit Midrash hosts several programs including a weekly Friday open Beit Midrash for chevruta learning, a weekly Gemara course in person and online, and tefillah and learning for the Holidays.
March 29 - March 29, 2025
Kfar Etzion, Israel
Yeshivat Drisha offers full-time, advanced learning for women. In our unique Shana Alef program, highly motivated, post-high school young women join the advanced learners of the Yeshiva for a tailor-made one-year program. Yeshivat Drisha enables women to achieve the highest levels of Torah learning by fostering their development as talmidot chakhamim and cultivating intellectual, religious, and personal depth.