Program details
Our program offers five weeks of immersive and intensive textual study centered around classical Talmud study combined with fun camp activities like bonfires, swimming, arts and field trips. Students with extensive Talmud skills are pushed to new heights and beginners grow foundational skills rapidly under the guidance of an expert all-female faculty.

Program Summary
A summer of immersive Torah learning (and fun!) featuring Gemara morning seder, experiential learning, arts, campy fun, expert (mostly female) faculty, classes in Tanakh, Halakha & Machshava.

Director of Teen programs Rabbanit Victoria Sutton is on the Judaic studies faculty at the Heschel School. Prior to that, she served as the Director of Education and Community Engagement at Congregation Beth Israel, a Modern Orthodox synagogue in Berkeley. She was ordained through Yeshivat Maharat in 2014. A graduate of Barnard College, with a BA in Biological Sciences, she also holds a Grand Diploma in Pastry Arts from the French Culinary Institute. Victoria sat on the board of Jewish Family and Community Services East Bay and was involved with community organizations in New York City focusing on homelessness, literacy, sexual assault and domestic violence.

Rabbanit Leah Sarna is the Faculty Advisor to the Teen Programs at Drisha and a former Director of Teen Programs. She previously served as Director of Religious Engagement at Anshe Sholom B’nai Israel Congregation in Chicago, a leading urban Orthodox congregation.
She was ordained at Yeshivat Maharat in 2018, holds a BA from Yale University in Philosophy & Psychology, and also trained at the SKA Beit Midrash for Women at Migdal Oz, Drisha and the Center for Modern Torah Leadership. Rabbanit Sarna’s published works have appeared in The Atlantic, The Washington Post, Lehrhaus and MyJewishLearning.
She has lectured in Orthodox synagogues and Jewish communal settings around the world and loves spreading her warm, energetic love for Torah and Mitzvot with Jews in all stages of life.

Rabbanit Meira’s doctorate in Talmud from Yeshiva University deals with scent and the sense of smell in the world of the Babylonian Talmud – like how might it have felt or smelled to walk down the streets of Mahoza or Pumbedita. Meira is also a graduate of GPATS and a student in Yeshivat Maharat’s Adanced Kollel Executive Ordination Track. She is the Director of Education and Community Engagement at Congregation Beth Israel in Berkeley, CA.

Daphna Nizan is the Overseas Program Coordinator at Yeshivat Drisha. She holds a BA in Tanach, Talmud, and Jewish Art, as well as an MA in Talmud and teaching certification from Bar Ilan University. She has worked for the Lookstein Center for Jewish Education and taught in MMY, TVA, the Drisha high school summer program, and the Hartman high school for girls, as well as for many summers in Camp Moshava. She has studied in Midreshet Lindenbaum, Matan, and is a graduate of the Advanced Gemara Program in Migdal Oz, in addition to studying in their halacha program for three years. She is currently learning at and coordinating the Overseas Shana Alef Program at the Yeshiva.
Program application
To apply to the Dr. Beth Samuels Drisha Summer High School Program, students submit applications as well as two reference forms from teachers. Qualified applicants will be invited to interview with the program director. Applications are due March 1st, 2024 and reviewed on a rolling basis. Applications received after March 1st will be considered as space allows.
What’s next?
If you are looking for more learning opportunities beyond the high school program, check out our year-round courses tailored to high school girls.