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Mishnah In-Depth: Shevuot
Day: Sunday
Date: February 9 - March 9, 2025
Time: 2:15 pm - 3:15 pm EST
Suggested contribution $25.00

Join Shalhevet Schwartz for Mishnah Shevuot every Sunday! This course is a presentation of the Rifka Rosenwein Z”L Mishnah Division. And join Drisha’s Mishna Yomit community! Working with the most standard daily mishnah study schedule, you will join a group of committed learners who dedicate time each day for the study of 1-2 mishnayot. Over a period of weeks and months of regular study, you will complete Tractates and even entire Orders of Mishnah!

To anchor and support your individual learning,  Drisha’s Mishnah Yomit program includes a weekly Mishnah Yomit b’Iyun (in-depth) shiur. In this shiur, you will have the opportunity to review portions of the past week’s material, and to go deep into select elements of the text (e.g. core concepts discussed; how the mishnayot interpret and interact with the biblical background; the literary structure and reception history of the unit) — all within the context of a collaborative community of fellow learners.


Shalhevet Schwartz was a Research and Program Coordinator at Shalom Hartman Institute of North America, where she focused on supporting the work of the Kogod Research Center and the David Hartman Center. She received a BA from Yale University, where she graduated Phi Beta Kappa with Distinction in Philosophy in 2021.