Every generation of Jews must see themselves as if they were slaves in Egypt and God took them out with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm. While it may be comforting to think that Egypt is long gone and Pharaohs are a thing of the past, we would be foolish to believe this. The Exodus from Egypt retains such great power in the Jewish imagination because its themes constantly make their presence known in the world and in our lives. These classes will seek to explore its key themes through a close reading of the Biblical narrative and by drawing on midrash and traditional commentators alongside modern thinkers such as Sigmund Freud, Walter Benjamin, and Franz Rosenzweig.
Rabbi Zachary Truboff is the author of Torah Goes Forth From Zion: Essays on the Thought of Rav Kook and Rav Shagar and the Director of Rabbinic Education for the International Beit Din, where he teaches about the halakhic approaches used by the beit din to free agunot. Before making aliyah, he served for nearly a decade as the rabbi of Cedar Sinai Synagogue in Cleveland, Ohio. Rabbi Truboff is originally from Sharon, Massachusetts and now lives in Jerusalem with his wife, Jen, and their four children.