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Middle School Girls’ Talmud (Fall Zman 5785)
Day: Sunday
Date: November 3 - December 15, 2024
Time: 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm EDT

One of our most beloved offerings! Join veteran educator and Drisha alumna Morah Deborah Klapper, in a Talmud class just for middle school girls. This Fall Zman, we’ll be focusing on Perek HaMafkid – Selections from Bava Metzia 33b-44a.

What happens if you agree to watch your friend’s stuff… and it gets lost or stolen? We will explore this very old question in the Torah, the Mishnah, and the Gemara. This course is open to girls in grades 6-9 of various skill and knowledge levels. No school, no tests, no homework; just fun playing with ideas.

Morah Deborah Klapper is a graduate of Drisha’s Scholars’ Circle and holds a degree from Harvard. She lives, learns, and teaches in Sharon, MA.