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Mishnah In-Depth: Gittin
Day: Sunday
Date: June 9 - July 14, 2024
Time: 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm EDT
Suggested contribution $25.00

Join Ms. Leora Balinsky every Sunday! This course is a presentation of the Rifka Rosenwein Z”L Mishnah Division. And join Drisha’s Mishna Yomit community! Working with the most standard daily mishnah study schedule, you will join a group of committed learners who dedicate time each day for the study of 1-2 mishnayot. Over a period of weeks and months of regular study, you will complete Tractates and even entire Orders of Mishnah!

To anchor and support your individual learning,  Drisha’s Mishnah Yomit program includes a weekly Mishnah Yomit b’Iyun (in-depth) shiur. In this shiur, you will have the opportunity to review portions of the past week’s material, and to go deep into select elements of the text (e.g. core concepts discussed; how the mishnayot interpret and interact with the biblical background; the literary structure and reception history of the unit) — all within the context of a collaborative community of fellow learners.


Leora Balinsky teaches Torah at Midreshet Amudim, where she serves as Ra”m and Mashgicha Ruchanit. She received a degree in Philosophy from Barnard College and is completing her MSW at Tel Aviv University. An alumna of Yeshivat Drisha, where she learned for three years after college, Leora has also studied at the SKA Beit Midrash for Women at Migdal Oz and the Center for Modern Torah Leadership. She also works as a Kallah teacher. Leora lives in Jerusalem with her husband Sam and her son Boaz.